„W Koluszkach, w Mińsku, w Chile” – przestrzeń poetycka wierszy i piosenek Agnieszki Osieckiej toponimami pisana
„W Koluszkach, w Mińsku, w Chile” – poetic space Osiecka’s poems and songs written by toponyms
Author(s): Monika Kresa
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: literary onomastics;Agnieszka Osiecka;functions of onims;onims
Summary/Abstract: Article is devoted to features that toponyms play in the Osiecka’s poetry. The analysis has been subjected to 240 different onyms calling cities, countries, continents, rivers, streets, squares, etc. For the purpose of analysis of the existing classifications modified function of onyms in poetry. Distinguished: locating, identification, allusive, metaphorical, compositional. Almost all of the names of places serve as locating – locate track action, but often this function is secondary and resolves such compositional function – when the proper name appears on the end of the line in order to rhyme – or metaphorical – when the name becomes a symbol. The analysis showed that the poetic space Osiecka is Polish space, largely Warsaw – because it toponyms naming the village in Poland, and streets in Warsaw dominate in her poetry.
Book: Mikrotoponimy i makrotoponimy w komunikacji i literaturze
- Page Range: 371-381
- Page Count: 11
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Polish