Nazwy miejscowe Ponidzia w utworach Adolfa Dygasińskiego
Local names of Ponidzie in the works by Adolf Dygasiński
Author(s): Eliza Koszyka
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Adolf Dygasiński;Ponidzie;literary onomastics;macrotoponyms
Summary/Abstract: The article is meant to describe the chosen names of towns and villages located in Ponidzie, which are the scenes of action of some of the short stories written by Adlof Dygasinski. The article is also meant to check the authenticity of those localisations, describe their origins in the context of the previous research and dispaly their functions in the excerpts from some of his works. The localisations taken into consideration are: Bełk, Jurków, Kęsów, Młódzowy, Pińczów, Skalbmierz, Skowronno. Five of the described seven localisations are the possessive names, they come from the individual names given by local people. They were created by adding the following suffixes: –ów (Jurków, Kęsów, Pińczów), -ow- or –jь (Skalbmierz). The name of Bełk is a topografic name reflecting the wet, swampy lands. If we take the name of skowroda, which means the frying pan, into consideration, therefore the name of Skowronno is a topografic name because the village is located on a vast flat area. All the macrotoponyms used by Dygasiński and decribed in the article are authentic and they refer to the same places existing in the real world. In all works they have the function of geografical localisation (in Ponidzie) or emotive function (in this way the author shows his strong emotional attachement to the place where he spent his childchood).
Book: Mikrotoponimy i makrotoponimy w komunikacji i literaturze
- Page Range: 359-370
- Page Count: 12
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Polish