Sposoby użycia nazw toponimicznych w tekstach prasowych
Ways of using toponymic names in press texts

Author(s): Beata Afeltowicz
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: onomastics;toponymy;Polish local press;grammatical correctness
Summary/Abstract: Toponymy is a huge collection of geographical names, which consists of: 1. place names, 2. field names, 3. mountain names, so called oronyms, 4. water names, so called hydronyms, 5. City names, so called urbonyms. There is also a division of toponymy into two basic groups: oikonyms, or names of inhabited places and anoikonyms, or names of uninhabited places. According to this classification, the study included only oikonyms. First of all, the aim of this study was to show the characteristic ways of using toponymic names in contemporary news and journalistic press texts. What is more, the author wanted to keep trace of innovations, extralinguistic and intralinguistic errors that occur in using this onimical category. n order to research the presented issue, the author used daily newspapers, mainly from the area of Western Pomerania such as “Głos Szczeciński” (“Voice of Szczecin”), “Kurier Szczeciński” (“Courier of Szczecin”), nationwide newspapers such as “Metro” and weekly TV magazine “Tele Tydzień” (“TV Week”), from year 2010 to year 2012.

  • Page Range: 295-306
  • Page Count: 12
  • Publication Year: 2015
  • Language: Polish
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