Wyznaczniki proprialności leksemów w dokumentach z XVIII i XIX wieku (na przykładzie nazewnictwa miejskiego Rzeszowa)
The priopriality of lexeme determinants in documents dating back XVII and XIX centuries (based on Rzeszów’s urban onomastics)

Author(s): Agnieszka Myszka
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: proprialization;place name;appellative word;proper noun
Summary/Abstract: The complicated problem of border between an alternative area and a proprial area is the theme of this article. Author has analysed 8 benchmarks which establish status proprial meanings of documents written in XVII and XIX centuries. The following question has been discussed: the lexical meaning of names, orthography (capital and small letter), textual determinant preluding debatable lexeme (called “dicta”), the permanency of definition problem with regard to particular problem (the being of parallelised definitions coming from motivating diversity), steadiness of name, (if there are variation names, which has the same motivations but they are technically varied, particular entity frequency with regard to particular object, the time of name’s durability and explicitness (absence of name’s repeatability in another meaning). Explicitness, steadiness of name and structural analogy (meant as formal convergence to another urbanonimes) are the most important discriminant of name.

  • Page Range: 239-251
  • Page Count: 13
  • Publication Year: 2015
  • Language: Polish
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