Z problematyki słoweńskich nazw mieszkańców i przymiotników pochodnych od nazw miejscowych
On names for inhabitants and adjectives derived from Slovene place names

Author(s): Silvo Torkar
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: place names;names of inhabitants;adjectival derivatives from place names
Summary/Abstract: In the process of standardization in two language reference works (SKI 1985, SP 2001), names for inhabitants and adjectives derived from Slovene place names underwent radical intervention. All too often, the principle of »predictable« derivation from place names causes names for inhabitants and adjectives to be in conflict with the actual usage, and, most importantly, to disregard the special features of the Slovene name-formation process. Suffixes in Slovene place names (-iče, -ica,-jane, -ina, -ek/-ik, -sk, -n) have not always played a role in the derivation of the inhabitant-naming and adjectival forms. A necessary but insufficient condition for their absence in the process is the fact that a toponym received the suffix only at the level of name-forming rather than when it was still a common name. In the design of normative guides, it is therefore necessary to take into account the fact that much of Slovene linguistic and social history is coded in names for inhabitants and adjectival derivatives from place names, and, consequently, to respect genuine name forms. Introducing so-called »predictable« derivatives in the category of place names would take an unnecessary toll on segments of Slovene linguistic and cultural heritage.

  • Page Range: 123-128
  • Page Count: 6
  • Publication Year: 2015
  • Language: Polish
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