Контрола државне границе и европске интеграције
Control of State Borders and European Integration
Author(s): Sreten M. Jugović
Subject(s): EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: State border;External borders;Internal borders;Border police;Border control;Integrated border management;
Summary/Abstract: In spite of numerous changes of the contemporary concept of security, state border control still has a primacy, especially regarding the EU external borders. The European Union legal regime on external borders has been established according to the principles of Schengen agreements and, the more significantly, according to national legislation of EU Member States, as well as candidate countries and other neighboring countries. Although Schengen agreements represent an integral part of EU law, EU membership does not, at the same time, mean Schengen membership, the latter usually following after a certain number of conditions have been met. A new concept of state border control includes new legal terms or makes some changes in former legal terms and categories. In this paper, the author is trying to identify some of the legal terms important to state border control and already incorporated in the legal system of the Republic of Serbia. Since the Republic of Serbia is currently in process of accession to EU and as the external borders of EU and Serbia are partly common, border control regime of the Republic of Serbia has to meet strict conditions concerning its external borders. On the other hand, the external borders regime has to be somewhat flexible, i.e. harmonized with the internal borders regime, which will be realized with EU membership.
- Page Range: 774-792
- Page Count: 19
- Publication Year: 2011
- Language: Serbian