Секундарни извори права Европске уније
Secondary Sources of European Union Law

Author(s): Zoran Radivojević
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Primary sourxes;Secondary sources;Legal documents;Regulation;Directive;Decision;Acts without legal character;Delegated acts;Acts of Implementation;European Council acts;Unnamed acts;
Summary/Abstract: Particular sources of European Union law are legal acts adopted by its institutions. Since being adopted under the authority derived from the founding treaties, they are called secondary sources of EU law and the provisions contained in these are called secondary law. Legal acts of the Union may be legal acts or acts that do not have a legal character. Both types of documents bear the names of regulations, directives or decisions. When it comes to acts without legal character, as a special type appear delegated and implementing acts adopted by the European Council. The exception is the field of common foreign policy and security policy, in which the bodies of the Union adopted general guidelines and strategic directions as binding documents that have political significance and programmatic decisions which are in function of their operationalization. Through their activities EU institutions brought some documents which have legal effect for the subjects of EU law and are a source of law even though not expressly provided for in the Treaties. For lack of a better name they are called unnamed acts or acts of sui generis body of the European Union.

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