Једнакост у правима и слободамам
Equality in Rights and Freedoms

Author(s): Rodoljub Etinski
Subject(s): Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Human rights;Equality;Diversity;
Summary/Abstract: The fundamental principle by which the new age begins is that human beings are born equal in human rights and freedoms. The process of universal recognition and protection of human rights started after the Second World War and opened a perspective of equalization of human beings in their rights around the world. The equalization of human beings in human rights does not mean absolute uniformity of human rights. Universal and regional human right treaties leave certain space for adjustment of international standards to local cultural expectations. In spite of the fact that the issue of adjustment of international standards to local cultures is not without certain difficulties, it does not undermine the existence of universal standards of human rights. Overcoming global ideological division of the world in nineties contributes to certain equalization of civil and political rights, on the one hand, and economic, social and cultural rights, on the other hand, in respect to their national, regional and global protection and realization. The first legitimate purpose of national and international organization is protection and advancement of human rights. The main reason of the right to self-determination, proclaimed by the two covenants on human rights, is a protection of freedom of each society to search for the best ways for protection of human rights. On the other hand, everybody is empowered to social and international order that will secure full enjoyment of all human rights for all without discrimination on whatever ground – the principle proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and reconfirmed several times since 1948. In spite of this legal framework, due to various reasons, states and regions are not equal in their achievements in respect to protection and realization of human rights. They differ by their real capacities to satisfy human rights, especially economic, social and cultural rights as well as by their views regarding the best ways of realization of these rights. It may be concluded that it has been achieved a remarkable progress in equalization of human beings in declared human rights or global equalization of human rights at normative level. However, a progress in equalization of human beings in real enjoyment of human rights is much smaller. It is one of the biggest problems of the international community at the beginning of the third millennium.

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