Електромобилите – потребителски възприятия и нагласи на два европейски пазара – България и Германия
Electric Vehicles - Consumer Perceptions and Attitudes in Two European Markets - Bulgaria and Germany

Author(s): Daniela Mihneva
Subject(s): Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Marketing / Advertising
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: mobility; electric vehicle; consumer behavior; European market
Summary/Abstract: According to the European Commission the road transport causes one fifth of the EU‘s total emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), which are especially high in cities. A suggested solution to this situation is the introduction of electric vehicles (EV). However, evidence from European countries shows that, without any governmental support, the sales of EVs are low in comparison to other vehicles. A study conducted among Bulgarian and German managers in both European markets, Germany and Bulgaria, shows that car purchasers in are aware of the difference between pure electric and hybrid vehicles (HEVs), the characteristics and benefits of these cars for a long-term plan. As most car purchasers buy on the second-hand market in Bulgaria, the potential for sales of EVs and HEVs still seems limited. The study confirmed that consumers have a generally positive opinion about EVs. However, they expect that the purchase of EVs should be subsidized.

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