Владавина права и уставност и законитост - нормативно и стварно
The Rule of Law, Constitutionality and Legality - Normative and Real
Author(s): Mile Dmičić
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Governance, Government/Political systems
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: The state and the entity;Organization of government;Division of authority;Rule of law;Constitutionality and legality;Law and justice;Legal culture;
Summary/Abstract: These legal phenomena in our constitutional system, normative and real, must necessarily become the basis of legal and political system and democratic development of our society. They would, as a basic principle, should be the basis of action of all organs and institutions which their responsibilities and aims must be realized in goals of the legal, constitutional, moral, social and customary norms. In this sense, it is necessary to ensure and guarantee the conditions and mechanisms for their realization.This implies that the overall activity in the society must be carried out under pre-specified rules and values. It is important to carry out faculty establish of the government at all levels, which would be organized according the principle of division, into the legislative, executive and judicial authority.These phenomena are important requirement to protect the foundations that underlie our constitutional and legal system, particularly in the transition process, privatization and total ownership transformation. Our legal system depends on stability, personal and property safety and effective legal protection of it.Respect of the constitution and laws do not mean only formal obligation, but it takes a lot more, especially their integration into secondary legislation of state organs and individuals.This means that the legal system is not its own purpose. The existence of high quality, consistent and coherent legal system, makes social order stable. It affects the citizens to feel safe in achieving their needs, interests and collective and individual rights and freedoms. Realization of the rights and freedoms of the citizens are increasingly becoming a measure of democracy, as a civilization’s heritage of many countries and nations, whose family our peoples belong to.
- Page Range: 297-317
- Page Count: 21
- Publication Year: 2011
- Language: Serbian