Операционализација основних процесних начела парничне процедуре
Operationalization of Basic Process Principles of Civil Procedure

Author(s): Gordana Stanković
Subject(s): Civil Law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Legal proceedings;Basic process principles;
Summary/Abstract: In the paper, the author offers a review of the functional process principles that the new legal procedure of the Republic of Serbia is based upon. It is stated in the paper that the process principles on which legal procedure is based, as a regular, basic and general method of legal protection in the area of civil-legal protection, are concretized in a novel way in the new Law on Legal Proceedings in 2011. They are concretized in accordance to the new legal-political claims that, assessed by the legislator, should be realized while offering legal protection according to the rules of the civil procedure.

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