“A marginal trace?” The Main School in biographical experience of Ignacy Baranowski Cover Image
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„Nikły ślad”? Szkoła Główna w doświadczeniu biograficznym Ignacego Baranowskiego
“A marginal trace?” The Main School in biographical experience of Ignacy Baranowski

Author(s): Elżbieta Dąbrowicz
Subject(s): Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Ignacy Baranowski; ilness; settlement; Main School
Summary/Abstract: The chance of engagement at the Department of Medicine in the newly created the Main School in Warsaw presented Ignacy Baranowski, young physician lacking any academic achievements, with some attractive opportunities for his professional career and in private life. Indeed, Baranowski’s efforts as a physician and as an active part in many important enterprises of social and public life were to be noticed, but they did not give him a stable social position. For his lifetime experience was quite important that he was brought-up in the apathetic provincial community, as it was his stay in Dorpat, where formerly Tytus Chałubiński studied, later on Baranowski’s protector. Baranowski summarised his life and career in Memoires written in 1909. The years of his academic work in the Main School – at the time a swarming, busy place of the Polish intellectual he deemed expedient for his role of “rescue man” (“ratownik”): a doctor devoted to healing illnesses as a sort of and the corollto social pathology. The Main School had also an important role in the evolution of Baranowski’s political angle. In the early 1860s he was attending the Edward Jurgens’s circle (known as ‘millenarians’) but after the defeat of the January Uprising in 1863 he would opt for a reconciliation with Imperial Russia. His initiatives in this respect – valuable and formative for himself – left marginal traces, if any, because of their fleeting, unofficial nature and also due to unpopularity of his allegiant orientation, first with the supporters of the Polish past and future insurgency wars, then with national democrats and socialists as well.

  • Page Range: 193-208
  • Page Count: 16
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Polish
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