The prenticing in the school of enlightened? The Main School towards the Enlightenment. The dictionary of selected concepts Cover Image
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Terminowanie w szkole oświeconych? Szkoła Główna wobec Oświecenia. Słownik wybranych pojęć
The prenticing in the school of enlightened? The Main School towards the Enlightenment. The dictionary of selected concepts

Author(s): Dawid Maria Osiński
Subject(s): Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Enlightenment; positivisme; education; intelligentsia; Main School
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the article is the attempt to doing the dictionary of terms describing the Main School’s attitude towards the tradition of Enlightenment. The dictionary compromises the method of description and lecture of different threads of Enlightenment at the Main School. Due to the dictionary structure – encyclopedic point of view – we can describe the field of century of mind and light and the Polish positivism’s thinkers. The dictionary structure well devotes the reflection on Main School’s spirit concerning Enlightenment. The dictionary is the original choice of the most important entries making this structure and at the same time it defines the specification of relations between the Main School and Enlightenment. These entries present the dominants of meaning shaping one of the Main School’s profiles. These entries are: scientific pacifism, university union, liberty, chivalry, intelligentsia, interdisciplinary character, authorities, modern humanism, enlightened humanism, library and lectures, Encyclopedists, enlightenment/light, national language, commemoration, societies and their supporters, school of change (ratio of positivists), movement Warsaw – Vilnius.

  • Page Range: 43-72
  • Page Count: 30
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Polish
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