Zmiany w języku czasopism dla dzieci i młodzieży
jako jeden z czynników wpływających na poziom
czytelnictwa prasy skierowanej do młodych odbiorców
(na przykładzie „My Little Pony”i „MLP. Equestria Girls”)
Changes in language of magazines for children and youth
as one of the factors affecting the level of newspaper
readership aimed at a young audience (for example “My Little Pony” and “MLP. Equestria Girls”)
Author(s): Dorota Lewandowska-Jaros
Subject(s): Library and Information Science
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Summary/Abstract: The article addresses the issue of the impact of the formation of language magazines forchildren and young people at their reception and reading. Brought closer to the resultsof a quantitative analysis of grammatical texts (including their degree of nominalizationand wealth of vocabulary) of the monthly “My Little Pony” and its successor and development– “My Little Pony. Equestria Girls”. Indicated changes in this area, resultingfrom the need to adapt the language of the text to the level of linguistic competence ofpotential customers and maintain position of these magazines in the media market.
Book: W kręgu kultury czytelniczej dzieci i młodzieży
- Page Range: 125-137
- Page Count: 12
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Polish