Typologia bibliotek szkolnych w gminach wiejskich w świetle badań własnych i Raportu o stanie bibliotek szkolnych w Polsce w 2012 r.
Typology of school libraries in rural communities according to individual research and the Report on the condition of school libraries in Poland in 2012
Author(s): Grażyna Walczewska-Klimczak
Subject(s): Education, Library and Information Science
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: school;library;rural community
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the newest statistical data on school libraries in Poland based on the System of Information on Education. Results are based on research conducted in rural districts of Poland in 2012. Findings refer to such factors as: network of the libraries in Polish schools, average area of school libraries, average size of book collection and computerization. The author presents profiles of five main types of libraries. In addition, paper contains the results of the survey conducted among pupils of primary (6th class) and secondary schools (2nd class) concerning the ability to take advantage of the school libraries’ potential. In conclusion author focuses on evaluation of the chances and risks concerning school libraries.
Book: Biblioteki i książki w życiu nastolatków
- Page Range: 33-51
- Page Count: 19
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Polish