Ликвидациони управник
Liquidation Administrator (Manager)
Author(s): Dara Milenović
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Law on Economics
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Company;Protector of creditors and company members;Liquidation;Liquidation administrator-manager;
Summary/Abstract: Liquidation is the final phase of the existence of solvent economic company. The liquidation procedure is initiated by company proprietors themselves (partners, complementarians and the assembly of the limited liability company and joint stock company) with the supervision of the court. It starts on the day of the registration of the decision of the company liquidation and the announcement of the notice of liquidation initiation, according to the Registration Act.During the liquidation process, the company has the same bodies as it used to have before the liquidation.Rules for initiation, carrying out and termination of the company liquidation protect the interests of creditors and company members. The liquidation is carried out by the liquidation administrators or managers (liquidators). They represent the company (legal representatives) and they are responsible for the legality of the activities of the company. Because of the importance in the process of liquidation and in the realization of the goals which are supposed to be reached by it, this paper will elaborate only on the basic questions connected with the institution of liquidation administrator (manager).
- Page Range: 377-392
- Page Count: 16
- Publication Year: 2013
- Language: Serbian