Designer competence is a component of the basic competency of future teachers of technologies
Designer competence is a component of the basic competency of future teachers of technologies
Author(s): Yevgen Kulyk
Subject(s): Philosophy, Education
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: education; competence; design; methodology of studying
Summary/Abstract: The existing educational system of Eastern European countries in the 20th century functioned in the paradigm of the socialistic existence of a person, which formed an appropriate culture in all branches of the economy. Eastern European countries’ entry into the global market system highlighted the educational problems that needed to be solved in the first place in order to adapt their society to the global community. The analysis conducted in this article made it possible to establish that the existence of a considerable number of concepts such as “competence,” “competent,” unfortunately, does not provide science with the sufficient methodological basis necessary for experimental identification and description of their substantive differentiation, determination of their role in the substantiation of the methodology of competent personality formation. It is suggested that the level of mastering concepts can be used as the level of formation of the phenomenon under study. It is shown that revealing the content of the concept of “design competence” will allow us to expand the boundaries of the system of scientific knowledge and to establish mechanisms for the formation of a certain phenomenon in the professional training of future teachers of technology. In this case, “design competency” can reflect both the low, generalized goal of education (presence of knowledge, skills, personal qualities) during the reproduction of an activity based on a pattern, and the high goal (generalized goal of education) – an active component of education, as part of which knowledge, skills, and personal qualities are used in non-standard situations that require the use of elements of creativity, that is, a higher level of generalization. It is clear that such self-management can be realized only if the student has the appropriate regulatory basis formed for his activity, namely: the conceptual basis (knowledge of design problems), the emotional and value basis (relation to the environment and society), and the operating basis (ability to interact with environmental objects).
Book: Wielogłos w myśli o wychowaniu. 100 lat polskiej pedagogiki filozoficznej
- Page Range: 113-122
- Page Count: 10
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English, Polish