Покушаји да се законским путем ублаже последице зеленаштва у Србији XIX века
Legislative Attempts to Reduce Effects of Usury in 19th Century Serbia

Author(s): Maša Kulauzov
Subject(s): Civil Law, 19th Century
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Usury;Peasants;Over indebtedness;Peasants' real property;Legislature;
Summary/Abstract: In this paper author pointed out in which ways major changes in ownership structure that occurred in 19th century as a result of abolishment of feudal system and declaration of peasants as free owners of their real property, affected peasants' material status and their real estate. Market economy and private property prevailed, and in considerably different social and economic circumstances usury became ever more common. Destructive effects of excessive indebting and rapid pauperization of peasants are emphasized in this paper. However, there were a few legislative attempts to protect farmers from usurers which are examined and critically analyzed. Unfortunately, those legislative measures didn't give considerable results and failed to, over the long term, significantly diminish over indebtedness of villagers.

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