Фрагменты серебряных окладов богослужебных предметов из раскопок Большого Шепетовского городища
Fragments of the Silver Frames of Liturgical Items from the Excavation of a Large Fortified Settlement near Shepetоvka

Author(s): Anna A. Peskova, Aleksandra Yu. Kononovich
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Visual Arts, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: Byzantium; Old Rus; silver frames; icons; procession crosses
Summary/Abstract: Fragments of plates of silver frames of liturgical objects with minted floral ornaments were found in the collection of archaeological materials stored in the State Hermitage Museum and among those originating from the excavations of the Large fortified settlement near Shepetоvka (second half of the 12th — first half of the 13th centuries). They differed stylistically and used to decorate once different objects. It was possible to reconstruct a large procession cross with a lush floral ornament and distinguish two crowns from the decoration of an icon, executed less luxuriantly, possibly by another master. The design and stylistic features of the cross find parallels among the Byzantine procession crosses of the 11th—12th centuries, covered with silver frames. At the same time, the reconstructed cross has significant differences, which allows it to be attributed to the first similar works of the ancient Russian masters of the 12th century (?) who followed Byzantine tradition.

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