Ювелирные изделия эпохи Волжской Болгарии из фондов Самарского областного историко-краеведческого музея им. П. В. Алабина
Jewelry of the Volga Bulgaria Era from the Funds of the Samara Museum for Historical and Regional Studies named after P. V. Alabin
Author(s): Anna F. Kochkina, Dmitriy A. Stashenkov
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Visual Arts, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: Volga Bulgaria; Samara Luka; jewelry; earrings; chains; breast jewelry; pendants;bracelets;
Summary/Abstract: In the funds of the Samara Museum for History and Regional Studies named after P. V. Alabin there is a small collection of jewelry made of precious metals by the Volga Bulgarians of the 12th — early 13th century. The article describes items from this collection that originate from the sites of Volga Bulgaria in the Samara region. The range of jewelry products in Volga Bulgaria includes a variety of personal jewelry. A special place is occupied by items from the Zhiguli hoard, discovered on the Samara Luka and representing an outstanding example of Bulgarian jewelry art of the pre-Mongol period. These artifacts are evidence not only of the high level of development of the Volga Bulgarians’ metalworking craft, but also indicators of the level of artistic representations of society as a whole within the cultural traditions of the Muslim East.
Book: «На одно крыло — серебряная, На другое — золотая...» - Памяти Светланы Рябцевой
- Page Range: 237-247
- Page Count: 11
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Russian