Пословно удружење као посебан правноорганизациони облик у праву Републике Србије
Business Association as Distinct Legal-organizational Form in the Law of the Republic of Serbia
Author(s): Ljubiša Dabić
Subject(s): Law on Economics
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Business Association;Legal-organizational form;European group of economic intersts;Business Chamber;
Summary/Abstract: In his paper the author offers an in-depth analysis of status and legal nature of business association as distinct legal organizational form as defined by the law of Republic of Serbia. It highlights the fact that this pertains to business entity only in its wider sense.Business Association is an independent organization with legal personality, which is established by articles of association by at least two business entities operating under mutual name with the purpose of accomplishing mutual interests of its members, with liabilities to third parties guaranteed by its total assets, while its members are liable in the manner determined by the articles of association. It must be noted that business association in our legal system is not by its legal nature legal form for business activities with goal of making profit, moreover its not business entity, regardless of the fact that is regulated by the Company Law, that it is founded by other business entities, that it is entered into Business Register, that it has business name (company) and not the name under which it operates etc. The author in this paper considers the similarities and differences between business association and European group of economic interests, respectively business chamber.
- Page Range: 386-404
- Page Count: 19
- Publication Year: 2013
- Language: Serbian