О односу еколошких права и политике
About Relationship Between Environmental Rights and Policy

Author(s): Slobodan P. Orlović
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental interactions
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Politics;Ecological rights;Protection of environment;State;Ecological organizations;
Summary/Abstract: This article deals with part of the complex relationship of political and ecological activity. This complexity is evident in a number of subjects which deal with ecological issues and in several „green“ national and inter-national policies. Thus, under the term ecological activists we can differentiate between individuals, local, national and international environmental organizations. All of them have influence on different levels of the creation and implementation of policy - local, substate, state and inter-state level. The content of the relationship between ecological and political subject is seen through two kinds of activities. One is direct actions of ecological organizations regarding some specific environmental question. Other activities are pressures with proposals, petitions, and requests to the state authorities to issue a legal act. All these legal acts - local, regional, state and international, constitute a particular „environmental law“. Now, its most important international part is the Aarhus Convention.

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