О "функцијама" уставног суда које нису непосредно записане у уставу
On the implicit "Functions" of the Constitutional Court

Author(s): Vladan Petrov
Subject(s): Constitutional Law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: The function of the positive legislator;The educative function;The cultural function;The function of the social integration;The judge of the Constitutional Court;Prominent lawyer;
Summary/Abstract: In this article, the author briefly explains some „functions“ of the modern constitutional court, including the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia, which are not directly written down in the Constitution, but which are of the great importance for the realization of the role of the constitutional court as a guardian of the rule of law. He mentions the following functions: quasi-political or the function of the co-legislator, educative function, cultural function and, finally, the function of the social integration as the one which, in the certain sense, covers all the mentioned functions. In this respect, it is very important that the Constitutional court be comprised of judges who are really prominent lawyers.

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