"Lupus in fabula". The Ovidian Metamorphosis in the Middle Ages and the Pseudo-Ovidian "De lupo" Cover Image
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"Lupus in fabula". Owidiańska metamorfoza w średniowieczu na przykładzie pseudoowidianum "De lupo"
"Lupus in fabula". The Ovidian Metamorphosis in the Middle Ages and the Pseudo-Ovidian "De lupo"

Author(s): Adam Jegorow
Subject(s): Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Ovid;pseudo-Ovidiana;medieval literature;fable
Summary/Abstract: This paper examines the role of Ovidian backdrop in the textual transmission of a medieval pseudo- Ovidian poem „De lupo”. The aim of the analysis is to explain in the light of medieval poetics some dynamics concerning the false authorial attribution, by showing a common understanding of thematic and functional affinities between „Metamorphoses” and the animal literature in the educational processes. The subsequent textual transformations are demonstrated by the manuscript evidence of three Polish 15th-century codices (Krakow, BJ 2141, 2233; Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, IV Q. 126), which transmit a latter alternative version of the poem.

  • Page Range: 41-53
  • Page Count: 13
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Polish
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