Новата класика на "Двойник" на Ф. М. Достоевски: Машини, поети и насекоми
Dostoevsky’s Double as Modern Classics: Machines, Poets and Insects

Author(s): Maya Gorcheva
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Comparative Study of Literature, Russian Literature
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: Dostoevsky; “Double”; Kozma Prutkov; comic absurd
Summary/Abstract: In the monography “After the end of classics” Rakyovsky argues that Dostoevsky’s Double (“Dvoynik”) and Mandelstam’s Egyptian stamp (“Egipetskaya marka”) discard traditional narrative and put forward the paradigms of splintering, madness, terror. The article highlights the new anthropology in Dostoevsky’s works by the figures of machines, poets and insects (vermin, bug). As an alternative of the poet, Dostoevsky’s plots put in play the figures of (male) novel writing and (female) book editing and managing. All together with the tragic, the author elaborates the category of comic absurd in the margins of folly, nonsense and object.

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