Българската поезия, създадена от жени между Освобождението и края на Първата световна война
Bulgarian Poetry Written by Women between the Liberation and the End of WWI
Author(s): Milena Kirova
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: Bulgarian literature; women-poets; Rosa Popova; Dora Gabe; „Misal”; „Listopad”
Summary/Abstract: The article which is part of a longer research on women’s literature in Bulgaria follows the earliest appearance of Bulgarian women-poets after the Liberation. Two out of the three books published by women until the 90’s of the 19th century, are collections of poetry. Their achievements and their shortcomings are defined and analyzed in proper historical context. The middle part of the article is focused on the year 1905 when three women-poets made their debut in D-r Krustev’s journal „Misal”: Ekaterina Nencheva, Dora Gabe, Mara Belcheva. The final pages make summary of what women’s poetry had achieved by the end of World War I.
- Page Range: 265-277
- Page Count: 13
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Bulgarian