Отвъд границите на времето. Щрихи към поезията на Петър Алипиев
Beyond the Limits of the Time: Characteristics of Peter Alipiev’s Poetry

Author(s): Antonia Velkova-Gaydarzhieva
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Poetry, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: nature; wisdom; humility; the omnipotent being; space; universe
Summary/Abstract: The text problematizes and interprets some aspects of Peter Alipiev’s lyrics. This is poetry that looks beyond the limits of time, open to the laws of Nature. It builds a unified, rounded, fundamental value world. Man and nature are mutually „translated“ and expressed. Acceptance and humility before the grandeur, before the omnipotence of existence, is P. Alipiev’s philosophy of life. The poet’s human is the man of wisdom reconciled with death but in love with life. The author has an indestructible faith in cosmic renewal, in the perfect rhythm of the universe. His gaze penetrates beyond the visible – into the heart of existence.

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