Инициацията в "Среднощни видения" на Яворов
Initiation in Yavorov’s „Midnight Visions“

Author(s): Iren Alexandrova
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Bulgarian Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: Yavorov; modernism; initiation; context; cycle; myth
Summary/Abstract: This research is meant to study some new opportunities of understanding the well-known Yavorov’s poems, included in the cycle „Midnight Visions“. In his second book, „Insomnias“, Yavorov made very important changes in order of the poems in this cycle and this way reveals different meanings, which may be explained in the term of initiation. All the midnight visions are concepts and symbols of the initiation in new secret knowledge of Life, Spirit, Universe and Human’s Fate. The first poem in the cycle, „Monster“, and the last poem, „Annunciation“, in this context change their function as a love lyric and insist, for the reason of their position, a new interpretation. Deep archetypal symbols are transformed in the area of the new modern spirit of time. We are initiated in this poetic world of secrets too, following behind the hero on his dangerous road, full of boundaries and epistemological tests.

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