Performance evaluation of European railway sector: DEA based approach
Performance evaluation of European railway sector: DEA based approach

Author(s): Jaroslav Bil
Subject(s): Evaluation research, Transport / Logistics
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: DEA; Malmquist index; Railways;
Summary/Abstract: In the last few years, due to the deregulating and restructuring policies in the European railway sector, efficiency measurement draws attention of many researchers. In this paper I will investigate trends in performances of rail industry before and after economic crisis of 2008. With regard to the complexity of technological process in providing railway transportation services, DEA methods (multidimensional nonparametric approach) became quite popular. I follow this methodology on the data sample of selected EU member states covering time period from 1999 to 2010. However, undemanding DEA model assumptions have some drawbacks.

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