The New EU Proposal to ISDS System – Opportunity or Blind Alley?
The New EU Proposal to ISDS System – Opportunity or Blind Alley?

Author(s): Tomáš Kozárek
Subject(s): International Law, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: ISDS; Investment Court System; New Eu Approach; Right to Regulate;
Summary/Abstract: The public and NGO’s have been strongly criticizing current system of ISDS in the last few months. They reproach ISDS for non-transparency and discrimination in favour of investors. The European Commission responded to this criticism by proposing new approach to ISDS system. This new approach has established few revolutionary changes whose influence to ISDS system is not quite clear.

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