Źródła do dziejów ruchu wydawniczego w spuściźnie Jana Muszkowskiego przechowywanej w Bibliotece Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Sources for the history of publishing in the legacy of Jan Muszkowski in the Library of the Lodz University

Author(s): Magdalena Kwiatkowska
Subject(s): History, Library and Information Science
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: history of publishing;Jan Muszkowski;Library of the Lodz University
Summary/Abstract: Within the manuscript resources of the Library of the Lodz University, among the materials remaining after professor Jan Muszkowski, are stored documents referring to “Czytelnik” Publishing Cooperative. The fragmented and uneven collection of preserved materials to some extend reflects the works, which professor was in charge of after 1945. It also indicates the nature of his contacts with the leadership of the institution in Warsaw, as well as its authors, co-workers and petitioners. The article presents notes (both hand-written and typed) made by Jan Muszkowski on editorial meetings, as well as addendums and comments to the lists of manuscripts being considered and sent to print, correspondence relating to the editorial work and organizational matters of the publishing house. The fragments of the archive discussed in the paper date back to the period between the beginning of April 1945 and the end of June 1946

  • Page Range: 257-273
  • Page Count: 17
  • Publication Year: 2014
  • Language: English, Polish
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