Słowotwórstwo w wybranych gramatykach do nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego
Word formation in selected grammar books for teaching Polish as a foreign language
Author(s): Mateusz Gaze
Subject(s): Foreign languages learning
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: grammar books;Polish as a foreign language;word formation
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze derivational issues presented in the grammar books for teaching Polish as a foreign language. Both the variety of issues presented and their graphic design were analyzed. Gramatyka języka polskiego. Podręcznik dla cudzoziemców by B. Bartnicka and H. Satkiewicz transpired to be too difficult for a foreigner because of the complicated scientific style used when describing analyzed phenomena. In Odkrywamy język polski by L. Madelska and M. Warchol-Schlottmann errors appeared, often connected with incorrect classification of derivatives to derivational categories, which may cause chaos in learners` mental dictionaries. Gramatyka języka polskiego dla cudzoziemców by Z. Kaleta does not include derivational issues at all. Word formation, despite being often overlooked by Polish teachers, plays a vital role in the process of teaching / learning Polish as a foreign language. Derivation is one of the most important processes of the formation of new words. Linguistic changes are lexical changes to a great extent. Word formation helps organize lexis (to classify the new words to appropriate categories, and thus determine their meaning). Derivational formations also show the linguistic perception of reality by the users of a given language.
Book: PLEJ_3 czyli PsychoLingwistyczne Eksploracje Językowe
- Page Range: 259-273
- Page Count: 15
- Publication Year: 2014
- Language: English, Polish