Dostosowanie wymagań edukacyjnych z języka obcego do indywidualnych potrzeb rozwojowych i edukacyjnych oraz możliwości psychofizycznych uczniów w młodszym wieku szkolnym na podstawie diagnozy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej
Adaptation of educational requirements for foreign languages to individual developmental and educational needs as well as psychophysical abilities of lower primary pupils on the basis of a psycho-pedagogical diagnosis

Author(s): Werona Król-Gierat
Subject(s): Foreign languages learning
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: foreign language;foreign language teacher;educational requirements;special educational needs
Summary/Abstract: According to ministerial directives, foreign language teachers are obliged to adapt educational requirements to pupils’ individual developmental and educational needs as well as psychophysical abilities. Translating recommendations of psycho-pedagogical service centres into specific tasks is teachers’ responsibility and is brought into fruition while being in direct contact with pupils in their charge. At the same time, the planned actions have to ensure the realization of the core curriculum. The interpretation of psycho-pedagogical statements or opinions may cause difficulties for teachers not qualified in special education. Making an effort to meet their needs, the present article focuses on translating bureaucratic paperwork into teaching practice.

  • Page Range: 231-245
  • Page Count: 15
  • Publication Year: 2014
  • Language: English, Polish
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