Lower Trans-Kuban in the 13th—14th Centuries: on the border of cultures and natural zones Cover Image

Нижнее Закубанье в XIII—XIV вв.: на границе культур и природных зон
Lower Trans-Kuban in the 13th—14th Centuries: on the border of cultures and natural zones

Author(s): Inga A. Druzhinina
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Middle Ages, 13th to 14th Centuries
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: North-Western Caucasus; Golden Horde; multiethnic population; settled tribes;nomads;
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents a summary of the anthropological and archaeological materials from cemeteries investigated on the Lower Kuban River. The author concludes that a multiethnic population emerged there in the 13th—14th cc. AD. Its core was apparently formed by the Alans, Bulgars, Zygians, with participation of the settled Polovtsians. The anthropological material points to metisation of population, which is confirmed by the archaeological data, namely, mixed and unified character of the material and spiritual culture formed on the basis of different ethnic groups.

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