О наименовании некоторых городов на караванном пути Хорезм — Сарай в конце XIII — начале XIV вв.
On the Names of Some Towns along the Caravan Route from Khorezm to Saray in the Late 13th — Early 14th Century

Author(s): Roman Yu. Reva
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Historical Geography, Oral history, Middle Ages, 13th to 14th Centuries, 15th Century
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: Ulus Jochi; Khwarezm; Urgendzh; Uichik; Qutlughkend; Saraijuk; Saray; Golden Horde numismatiсs
Summary/Abstract: Based on the comparison of recently discovered numismatic facts with the Arabic manuscript text of al-’Umari and Kazakh legends recorded in the 19th century, the names of two towns have been established — Uichik and Qutlughkent, which were located on the caravan route from Urgenj to Saray. Uichik is localized in the vicinity of modern Atyrau (Republic of Kazakhstan). “Qutlughkent” could possibly be the early name of the city of Saraijuk. A misinterpretation by V.G. Tiesenhausen in the Russian translation of al-’Umari’s text has been corrected.

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