Заметки по топографии золотоордынского города Азака
Notes on the Topography of the Golden Horde Town of Azak
Author(s): Andrei Nikolaevich Maslovskiy
Subject(s): History, Geography, Regional studies, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Historical Geography, Middle Ages, 13th to 14th Centuries, 15th Century
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: Lower Don; Azov; Azak; Tana; Golden Horde town; topography;economic development;
Summary/Abstract: The article represents a study of the topography of the Golden Horde town of Azak, which has remained quite underresearched until present. In the 18th — first half of 20th centuries, the hillfort did not attract attention of the Russian historians and archaeologists. Nowadays the territory of the Medieval Azak is completely built-up and archaeological investigations of 20th — early 21th century have been conducted on separate sectors, mainly in the new construction zones. According to the results of research, one can determine the borders of the Medieval town at different stages of its existence. The author discusses different aspects of the economic development of Azak as well as peculiarities of urban development. He localizes various social, professional and ethnic population groups within the town’s territory, together with common buildings, sources of water supply, town necropolises, fortifications and so on.
Book: Генуэзская Газария и Золотая Орда
- Page Range: 383-409
- Page Count: 27
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Russian