Генуэзский замок Калиера
Kaliera, a Genoese Castle
Author(s): Sergei Gennadievich Bocharov
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Military history, Political history, Middle Ages, 13th to 14th Centuries, 15th Century
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: Eastern Crimea; Genoese Gazaria; Kaliera; Genoese Castle; Caff a; glazed pottery; historical geography
Summary/Abstract: The author publishes all archaeological materials collected during excavations in 1927—1928 and 2006 on a fortification on Kordon-Oba Mount (Eastern Crimea, Feodosia Municipal Council’s territory). The site was attributed based on written, cartographic and archaeological sources. The castle was built by the Genoese administration of Kaffa in the second half of 14th c. and ceased to exist after the Ottoman conquest of the Genoese lands in the Crimea in 1475. The castle took its name — Kaliera — after the nearest medieval locality. The author questions why this castle was built and why it was built here.
Book: Генуэзская Газария и Золотая Орда
- Page Range: 47-97
- Page Count: 51
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Russian