Колекция от византийски белоглинени съдове от средата на X век в манастира при с. Равна (североизточна България)
A Collection of White Clay Pottery from the Middle of the 10th Century in the Monastery at the Village of Ravna (North-Eastern Bulgaria)
Author(s): Pavel Georgiev
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: Byzantine White Ware; 10th century; dishes with hollow stem; lid; inscribed and impressed sub-glazing decoration; old-Bulgarian monastery; import
Summary/Abstract: In the article we publish the collection of 11 complete and two partially restored dishes and one lid, found during the excavations in the old Bulgarian monastery at the village of Ravna, Provadia region. They were found in fragments in the yard and in a room near the representative building, which could be considered as the residence of the abbot and of the visitors of the monastery. All of dishes are import from Byzantium, dating around the middle of the 10th c. The stratigraphic data allow us to determine the upper limit of their use to be before the burning of the monastery, which most probably happened during the events in Bulgaria during 969—971. Judging by the technique of manufacturing and the decorations, the dishes belong to the so-called Glazed White Ware. They are covered with dark-green or grass-green and light-yellow or yellow-brownish glazing. There is also inscribed or impressed decoration under the glazing.The goal of this publication is to focus the attention of the specialist on Byzantine pottery in the collection, to determine more precisely its dating and a possible place of manufacturing.
Book: Поливная керамика Средиземноморья и Причерноморья X—XVIII вв.
- Page Range: 259-269
- Page Count: 11
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Bulgarian