Два захоронения воинов-кочевников ХIII—ХIV вв. из Северо-Восточного Причерноморья (к истории формирования комплекса вооружения Золотой Орды)
Two Burials of Nomadic Warriors of the 13th—14th Centuries from the North-Eastern Black Sea Region (to the history of the formation of the complex of weapons of the Golden Horde)

Author(s): Alexander V. Dmitriev, Evgeniy I. Narozhny
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Military history, Middle Ages, 13th to 14th Centuries
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: North-Eastern Black Sea Region; Golden Horde; nomads; military affairs; armament; combat headgear; shields
Summary/Abstract: The article introduces two new and previously unpublished burial places for nomadic warriors from the burial mound “Molokanova Shchel” (near the village of Praskoveevka — Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Krai). Both burials of 35—45 year-old men were accompanied by certain sets of weapons — quiver kits, sabers and a spearhead. One of them contained a helmet composed of 4 parts and an ax; the other one contained the remains of a wooden shield with metal parts. Determining the dating of both complexes in the framework of the Golden Horde time, the authors dwell in detail on the attribution of the helmet and the remnants of the shield, linking their appearance in the Northeast Black Sea Coast with the resettlement here of the black hoods from the Southern Russia in 1260s. This raises the question of the need to take into account the contribution of the “pre-Mongol” Eastern European nomads, trapped inside the Golden Horde along with much of their traditional material culture, in modern disputes about the sources of armament of the population of the Golden Horde.

  • Page Range: 599-639
  • Page Count: 41
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Russian
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