Разработка методики решения реальных задач на основе применения химических и физических эффектов
Разработка методики решения реальных задач на основе применения химических и физических эффектов

Author(s): Vasile Şaragov
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education, Scientific Life
Published by: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat Alecu Russo
Keywords: химических и физических эффектов; фундаментальныe и прикладныe дисциплины
Summary/Abstract: The technique to solve real problems is offered. The technique consists of five steps:1) recording of the conditions of problem; 2) statement of aim of the problem; 3) identification of the causes of appearance problem; 4) finding ways of solving the problem; 5) analysis of the solutions. The essence and content of each stage is discussed.

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