Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intent Among Students – Initial Findings from India
Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intent Among Students – Initial Findings from India

Author(s): Shivam Khetan, Arya Kumar
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy
Published by: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; start-up culture; entrepreneurial intention; entrepreneurship education
Summary/Abstract: Purpose: Building an eco-system for promoting start-up culture has become one of the keypolicy thrusts of the government to enhance economic growth and create jobs. This study hasattempted to identify the factors that stimulate entrepreneurial intention among students. Design/methodology/approach: The model of this study includes the effect of demographics,contextual factors and the components of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) on theentrepreneurial intention of the students. A sample of 158 students participated in a survey,consisting of questions measuring attitude towards entrepreneurship, locus of control, need forachievement, willingness to take risks and entrepreneurial intention. The data was collectedduring three weeks in the month of April 2018. Findings: The findings of the study reveal that need for achievement plays the most crucial rolefollowed by entrepreneurial intentions, locus of control, willingness to take risks andentrepreneurial attitude for inculcating entrepreneurial spirit and mind-set amongst students.MBA students were more prone to entrepreneurial intent when compared to Non-MBAstudents. The study reveals that entrepreneurial education significantly influences studentstowards entrepreneurship and motivate them to become an entrepreneur. Research/practical implication: Our initial observation suggests that formal exposure toentrepreneurship courses and informal outside class activities significantly help in creatingentrepreneurial intent among students. Educational institutions need to focus on building aneco-system conducive for entrepreneurship development. Originality/value: The study is original based on data collected from students pursuing theirundergraduate and graduate studies in different years at Birla Institute of Technology & Science(BITS) Pilani. The study has focused on examining entrepreneurial intent amongst students andimplications of curricula offered to promote students' interest in entrepreneurship.

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