Mit dyplomacji pingpongowej w świetle przyszłych prób wykorzystania sportu w celu kreacji zbliżenia międzynarodowego
The Myth of the Ping-Pong Diplomacy in the Light of Future Attempts to Use Sport to Create International Convergence
Author(s): Michał Marcin Kobierecki
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, History
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: sports diplomacy;nation’s brand;sport;public diplomacy
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the article is to investigate the ways of using sport in order to shape international brand of a state. Accordingly, various forms of shaping state’s international image with the use of sports diplomacy have been analyzed and shortly described – within the proposed typology. An attempt to verify a hypothesis concerning sports diplomacy as a significant tool of shaping state’s international brand was also made
Book: W kręgu wyobrażeń zbiorowych. Polityka, władza, społeczeństwo
- Page Range: 319-338
- Page Count: 20
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Polish