Dos poetas de posguerra (Wislawa Szymborska y Carlos Bousoño)
Two PostWar Poets (Wislawa Szymborska and Carlos Bousoño)

Author(s): Santiago Fortuño Llorens
Subject(s): Comparative Study of Literature, Polish Literature, Other Language Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: post-war poetry; existentialism and interculturality
Summary/Abstract: This study, the blending of postwar Polish writer W. Szymborska (1923–2012) poetry with Carlos Bousoño’s verses (1923–2015), contemporary first generation of postwar poets in Spain, shows common trends amongst both: life projected through the means of poetry and the manifestation of life happenings through artistic expressive modes. Along with the creation of the self, to literary fiction, they choose drawing on mythology, painting, the Bible, literature itself… as demonstrations of cultural universality.

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