За родените в брака, извън брака и осиновените деца
About the Children Born in Marriage, Outside Marriage and the Adopted Children

Author(s): Mariya P. Petrova
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: children; equality; equal standing; equal opportunities.
Summary/Abstract: The Constitution and the Family Code of the Republic of Bulgaria promulgate the equality of the children born in marriage, outside marriage and the adopted children. The children born in marriage have their established descent by force of the marriage itself. The children born outside marriage should have established descent, so that they could make use of their recognized equality with the children born in marriage and the adopted children. The adopted children, however, even if they may have no established descent, are vested by the law with the same rights as the children with proven parental descent.

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