Хората с увреждания и правото им на равнопоставеност в политиките за социално подпомагане
People with Disabilities and Their Right to Equality in Social Assistance Policies

Author(s): Byulent Mehmed
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Public Law
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: discrimination; „personal status“; „disability“; social assistance; people with disabilities.
Summary/Abstract: The right of persons with disabilities to targeted benefit under art. 19 of the Rules of implementation of the Social Assistance act on a free public transportation trip twice a year, using railway transport within the country, creates less favorable treatment for persons with permanent disabilities living in areas without built railway network and constitutes direct discrimination on grounds of „personal status“ and „disability“ and is in violation of art. 4, para. 1 of the Protection against Discrimination Act.

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