Дискриминационни прояви (неравнопоставеност) спрямо ромите и политики за интеграция в сферата на образованието, заетостта, жилищната среда и здравеопазването
Discriminatory Manifestation (Inequality) Against the Romas and Politics for Integration in the Sphere of Education, Employment, Residential Environment and Health Care

Author(s): Baki Husseinov
Subject(s): Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: discrimination; non-discrimination; integration of the Roma; politics for integration
Summary/Abstract: The report examines the problems related to the discriminatory manifestations against the Roma in the Bulgarian society. It analyzes the politics for integration in the sphere of education, employment, residential environment and health care. On base of it the author makes conclusions and summaries concerning the politics and the measures for their integration.

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