Homo’poly a Cross-sectoral Approach Towards a Better Understanding of Homosexuality
Homo’poly a Cross-sectoral Approach Towards a Better Understanding of Homosexuality

Author(s): Oliver Holz, Lotte Geunis
Subject(s): Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: gender; homosexuality; migration; diversity; didactical material
Summary/Abstract: This article introduces ‘Homo’poly’, a European project on homosexuality in schools. The aim of this KA2 – ERASMUS+-project is to contribute towards a better understanding of homosexuality in secondary and tertiary education. Homo’poly has adopted a cross-sectoral approach in cooperation with eight countries, with one university and one secondary school participating from each country respectively.The project thus addresses students and lectures in university colleges and universities, as well as students and teachers in secondary education.

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