Опитът на Словения в преодоляването на мигрантската криза: изводи, поуки и някои въпроси на дискриминацията
Slovenia’s Experience in Overcoming the Migrant Crisis: Conclusions, Lessons Learned and Some Issues on Discrimination

Author(s): Todor Koburov
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: migrant crisis; foreign policy; Slovenia; EU; discrimination
Summary/Abstract: Slovenia has a specific and unique place in EU’s policy towards overcoming the migrant crisis – it applied protection of its boundaries under the Hungarian model, but at the same time it also abided by the common EU decisions on quota distribution of refugees. The state demonstrated excellent coordination and synchronization among its main institutions – president, parliament and government. In its foreign policy Slovenia had a pragmatic approach and managed to engage the international factor in pursuit of a decision, which is in the interest of all, not only in its own interest.

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