Правото на равен достъп до стоки и услуги и неговата защита в антидискриминационно законодателство и практика
The Right of Equal Access to Goods and Services and Its Protection in Anti-discrimination Legislation and Practice

Author(s): Alexander Alexandrov
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Commercial Law
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: discrimination; treated less favourably; goods and services
Summary/Abstract: Directive 2004/113/EC regulates the right of equal access to goods and services to the representatives of both sexes. Although it regulates the issue of equal treatment only by gender, it clearly raises the problem of discrimination in the real sector in which the exchange of goods takes place. Until the adoption of this directive, the emphasis in European anti-discrimination legislation is mainly on the employment and education sectors. The Bulgarian legislator has considered the need to protect against discrimination in the supply of goods and services and has adopted the relevant legal provisions.

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