Wskrzeszenie mistrzów — drugie, wampiryczne, wcielenie polskich romantyków
Resurrection of masters — the second, vampiric, incarnation of Polish Romantics

Author(s): Paulina Skrzyp
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Summary/Abstract: This article attempts to analyse the motif present in culture, that is the character of a vampire who appeared in the comic book „Romanticism” by Janusz Gawronkiewicz. In the first part, an attempt has been made to explain why the phantasm of the vampire became of such great interest to Romanticists, despite the fact that they were fully aware that vampires do not exist in reality. In the second part, I have tried to sketch the main and most important alteration that they made in this character, which makes it possible to locate the vampire in the mainstream of Dark Romanticism. I have also made an attempt to compare Romantic creation with information about bloodsuckers, gathered by folk culture. In the third part, I have been aiming for demonstrating how the vampires brought back to life from the 19th century implement the vampire myth both in relation to the Romantic phantasm as well as to contemporary phantasms, and for drawing conclusions from my analysis.

  • Page Range: 287-305
  • Page Count: 19
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Polish
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